Study Tips for Finals


With the semester coming to an end, that can only mean one thing: Finals week is upon us. I wanted to give a rundown of some tips and tricks that can help you better prepare yourself and avoid feeling overwhelmed during these times. 

All the tips listed below can help reduce stress and help you prepare for finals. 


  • Get some exercise 

Going out and getting some fresh air really puts your mind at ease. It’s also a good way to boost your serotonin in order to keep yourself upbeat and positive. 


  • Get sleep 

Students have such a packed schedule that they can easily run out of energy. Students should aim to get at least eight hours of sleep a night and take power naps, no longer than 25 minutes, when needed to help them study better throughout the day. 


  • Listen to music

A good stress relief activity that has positive cognitive benefits is music. Music can relieve stress, calm your mind and calm you down. You can play a wide range of music from classical to help you calm your mind or play upbeat music to keep you awake. 


  • Organize your schedule 

Having an organized schedule allows you to form a plan to take the week head-on. This also allows you to be prepared for your exam and pace yourself. 


  • Use positive thinking affirmations 

Being an optimistic person actually helps in having positive outcomes. This happens because the brain is a funny place and when you think positive thoughts it  might lead to better circumstances in life. Training your brain to be more positive will help you have a brighter future. 


  • Put your phone away

As individuals we are always on our phone scrolling through Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok and it’s easy to get distracted. When you put your phone away you are allowing yourself to focus on the work that needs to be done and be more productive. 

  • Make a comfy study spot 

Wherever you enjoy to study or work make sure it’s an area that’s comfortable to be at for hours on in. You should also include candles and snacks in your area as these items will help you power through. 

Finals week is one of the most stressful times during the semester. With the tips I provided I hope you are able to relax your body and mind and go into your exam with complete confidence.