Misinformation in Greek Life leads to Quarantine Confusion

Photo by: Avery Landry

On Tues., Oct. 26, Nicholls Vice President for Student Affairs Michele Caruso sent an email to the faculty regarding misinformation that stemmed from student rumors about quarantining entire chapters of Greek life.

The email briefed the faculty that yes, some students were exposed to COVID-19; however, no authority figure of the university placed these students and their groups in quarantine. 

Caruso said that anyone who has contracted the virus or has been in close contact with someone who has will follow the university’s year-old protocols when dealing with these matters. 

She also asked in the email that faculty be as flexible as possible when considering students who missed classes, assignments or exams due to the miscommunication. 

“Related to COVID-19, it is important to only follow the guidelines of a medical professional or university official involved in contract tracing,” Caruso said. “Recommendations from friends about quarantine and testing, as well-meaning as they may be, should not be the guidance you follow.”

The confusion rose when students began hearing of the COVID-19 cases that were discussed in some of the Greek life meetings on Mon., Oct. 25. 

“If there were ever to be any group quarantines, official notification would come from Health Services or other university officials on the COVID-19 team directly to the members and likely to the advisor as well,” Caruso said.

Caruso explained the importance of ignoring gossip as the university moves forward. 

“If you hear something related to COVID-19 that you think might affect you, reach out to Health Services or Student Affairs to confirm and receive accurate information,” Caruso said. 

Caruso also wants to warn students of the importance of not acting too quickly on friend-to-friend whispers because unexcused absences may occur if a student chooses to skip class because he or she “thinks they need to be in quarantine.”