SGA Meeting 1-24; COVID-19 protocol and Blood Drive
Photo by: Jessica Mouton
On Jan. 24, a meeting was called to order in the LeBijou Theatre of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at four p.m. In this meeting, the Student Government Association for Nicholls State University was called to discuss the recent events and upcoming business for the spring semester.
After Senator Reona Octave and Senator Lizeth Tobias opened the meeting with prayer and pledge, the first order of business was a short speech from SGA advisor Dr. Michele Caruso.
Because Dr. Clune could not attend the meeting -being out of town and meeting with representatives- Dr. Caruso reported on various topics such as the current number of COVID-19 cases on campus and the procedures that follow when someone reports testing positive. There will be a few alterations to the contact tracing process, which include giving the person who tested positive the information to send to their close contacts to complete the forms. Dr. Caruso stressed the importance of having students complete the form so the cases on campus may continue to be monitored. No events have been canceled yet due to the rise in cases and testing remains available in Shaver Gym or Health Services.
Aside from Covid cases and procedures, Dr. Caruso reported on the successful outcome of the police events on campus that allowed students to collect more information about safe driving and the t-shirt and course giveaway that took place the next day. Greek organizations on campus are also currently coordinating similar events which will hopefully be equally supported. With their remaining funds, Dr. Caruso talked about giving more to people left in need from Hurricane Ida in the form of a gift card. The Colonel’s Closet initiative is also up and running, likening it to that of an “upscale boutique.” Several students have already been enjoying it. Dr. Caruso finished with the upgrades on the Leaders Suite and the Student Engagement Suite.
Next, guest speaker Suzy Potter from the Blood Center spoke about the two-day blood drive on campus. Recently, the Thibodaux Hospital has seen a drop in available blood donations to use for transfusions. Anyone who donates blood now will also get tested for COVID-19 antibodies and Cholesterol. Potter said, “We are so grateful that you are doing this blood drive. People don’t come to us because they don’t want to come out of their bubble. It’s got to come out of somebody that wants to be a hero.”
The next guest speaker was Ms. Amber Pitre, the mother of Kennedi Foret, a dearly departed Nicholls student who was in an unfortunate accident and required many blood transfusions. Ms. Pitre continued to educate the need for blood donations and encouraged everyone to give back. Afterward, President Tyler Legnon delivered a Memorial Proclamation for Kennedi Foret.
After the SGA officers each gave their own reports on upcoming spring semester events such as Winterfest and the upcoming SGA workshop, more finance and budget discussions were held. The meeting ended with another Memorial Proclamation for Lindy Simmons, another tragically departed Nicholls student in order to honor and respect her and Foret’s memories.
The Student Government Association held the selection for the Vice President Pro-Tempore and ultimately, Senator Jax Badeaux was selected. Officers were sworn in by Justice Meagan Rousse: Darren Pitre, Jr. as Treasurer and Jax Badeaux as Vice President Pro- Tempore. A moment of silence was held for Lindy Simmons and Kennedi Foret and the meeting was adjourned by 5:30p.m.

My name is Evan Elizabeth Cressoine. I’m a junior here at Nicholls, from Houma, studying creative writing. Above all, I am a storyteller. I’ve been...