Introducing the Nicholls Diamonds

In the fall of 2019, Culinary Arts major Quana Bourgeois and a few friends had an idea to bring an added layer of entertainment to Nicholls home sporting events.
This group of ladies spread the message of female empowerment, by giving women of all shapes and sizes a place to express them artistically through dance. They call themselves the Nicholls Diamonds.
Many of the guidelines for a more “traditional” dance team include that they want their dancers to maintain a particular physique.
“Anyone is welcome. We look for dancers, but if you have the drive to learn how to dance, we don’t mind working with you. We are on the side of body positivity and diversity. It doesn’t matter what shape, size, or color you are, we take everybody,” Bourgeois said.
Bourgeois said the Diamonds will bring a majorette-style of dancing to the stands. This style of dancing is predominantly performed at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
Majorette dancing is very high-energy and draws inspiration from a variety of different dance genres.
“I would say it’s a mix of every style, honestly. It’s a very distinct style. If you looked at us and compared us to a traditional dance team, you would be able to tell the difference,” Bourgeois said.
The Diamonds made their first appearance at a basketball game this spring and although they were nervous Bourgeois said it was overall a very encouraging debut.
“it was our first time stepping out and we were so nervous to even do anything. It wasn’t until after the game that we realized people were cheering us on and that kind of support is exciting because we didn’t expect that,” Bourgeois said.
The Diamonds will also be dancing in the stands next to the band during football games and hope to take part in events on campus when normal activities resume.
The Diamonds currently have six dancers on the team but are holding try-outs at the end of the semester.
“The try-outs will not be strenuous. We just want to make sure that you can catch a beat and get in rhythm with everyone else. If you can do that, we can go from there,” Bourgeois said.
You can stay up to date with and contact the Diamonds by following them on Instagram @nsu_elitediamonds and Twitter @NsuDiamonds.