Tips & Tricks: How to Prevent and Reduce Maskne


Nowadays having mask acne, or as some like to call it maskne, has become very common because of the requirement to wear a face mask. People with sensitive skin are more prone to suffer from skin irritations from the use of masks, but we all have suffered from maskne one way or the other. 

Masks expose our skin to a lot of moisture that comes from our breath. In addition to the moisture, heat and friction also occur while wearing a face mask. This causes the pores to clog which eventually leads to acne and skin irritation. 

Lucky for us, this is not a newly found problem because health professionals have suffered maskne from wearing masks while in the field. So, here are some tips and tricks that have been found to be useful in fighting maskne. 

Wear masks on a clean face. 

Before you put your mask on, make sure that you wash your face and get rid of dirt and bacteria that may be on your face from previous activity.

Wear the right masks.

Since we wear them practically all day long, it is important that we use a mask that allows us to breathe while keeping us protected. It is also important to have a mask that sits comfortably on your face. Fabrics like cotton or silk can be useful in preventing skin irritation. 

Wash your face post-mask. 

After long periods of time wearing a mask, we accumulate huge amounts of moisture and bacteria on our skin that comes from our breathing and saliva whenever we speak. Try using a gentle cleanser to wash your face and avoid your skin from further irritation. 

Ditch the make-up. 

Wearing make-up under your mask is probably one of the worst things you can do to your skin. Make-up causes your pores to be further clogged and will lead to breakouts. In addition to that, the make-up residue will stick to your mask and then when you put it back on, it’s further contamination for your skin. 

Use moisturizer. 

Wearing a considerable amount of moisturizer under your mask will prevent skin irritation because the moisturizer acts as a protective barrier from outside bacteria, and it helps the friction between the mask and your face diminish. 

Wash your masks!

Your face isn’t the only important thing that needs washing. You should wash your masks after every use. Washing your mask will clear all of the oil and dead skin that accumulates in it during the day. You should wash them with warm water and a gentle detergent.