Recent legislation passed by SGA has led to concern from Vice President


Graphic by Jade Williams

Nicholls State University’s Student Government Association’s (SGA)Vice President, Markaylen Wiltz, has expressed concerns about legislation being passed at recent SGA meetings.

“The past two meetings, I have been in a struggle of getting people to pass motions that can affect the student body more,” Wiltz said.

Wiltz said he feels that students could use more things that would enhance their academic lives at Nicholls State University. He said he would rather SGA focus on how they can affect students’ futures not only at Nicholls but in society.

Wiltz said although he’s very appreciative of the legislation that has been passed by the senate, he wants to see more meaningful legislation being passed.

“We should be looking into more things that can improve classroom usage,” Wiltz said.

Wiltz said he feels things such as new desks and lab equipment should hold top priority for student leaders at Nicholls. He said things such as trips funded by SGA are by no means secondary, but rather that legislation dealing with long-term academic resources has been scarce this semester.

He said he’s very proud of a bill that was recently passed that granted about $7,000 for the purchase of biology equipment. He feels legislation like this is extremely beneficial because the funding helps a substantial amount of students for a long period of time.

“I want to be a steward of the people’s money here on campus,” Wiltz said. “It’s an environment of public good on a monetary system.”

Wiltz would like to see legislation passed to improve the desks in Ozeme E. Peltier Hall. He said because it’s the building that freshmen spend the most time in, it’s important that it is just as nice as the other buildings on campus.

“We have to make Peltier competitive like all the other spaces on campus,” Wiltz said.

Wiltz said senators meeting with their respective department heads is one of the most efficient ways to find out how SGA can help improve student success and comfort in those departments.

“The ideas that we could come up with are endless,” Wiltz said. “What we need to understand is that these ideas should benefit all of the students here on campus.”