Temporary closure included in list of hypothetical scenarios

Nicholls State University President Bruce Murphy released a statement addressing the reports of the University potentially closing its doors early this year to absorb cuts to higher education in the state budget.

“Nicholls State University has absolutely no intention of closing unless there is no other option,” Murphy said. “Nicholls was asked to provide a list of hypothetical scenarios regarding how the campus might handle varying degrees of mid-year budget cuts.”

One of the several options that Nicholls included in a financial planning document was a temporary campus closure over the span of several days.

“Obviously that is the absolute last option that Nicholls would ever take,” Murphy said. “However, as the governor mentioned in his Thursday public address, temporary closure of universities throughout Louisiana is one of the many possible outcomes. Nicholls is working closely with state legislators to find solutions to the budget shortfall facing Louisiana higher education.”