Alaina Ashmun, a Ms. Nicholls’ finalist, said her grandfather is to thank for her motivation to become speech-language pathologist.
The Student Governement Association announced Ashmun as one of three finalists for Ms. Nicholls on Feb. 18.
Ashmun proves her qualification for the award through her actions and deep-rooted passion for the people on Nicholls’ campus.
She majors in health sciences with a concentration in communicative disorders. Unwavering motivation carries her through those studies, and after graduation, she plans to attend a two-year graduate program to become a to further her career goal to become a speech-language pathologist.
Ashmun said her dedication to education can be traced back to her grandfather’s legacy. Her grandfather, Daniel Rodrigue, earned his master’s in education and took 30 additional credit hours at Nicholls.
“My biggest role model throughout my journey at Nicholls is my grandfather,” she said. “Although he is no longer with us, he will forever inspire me to be the best student possible.”
With her grandfather in her heart, Ashmun continues to pursue her goal of becoming a SLP through Nicholls’ resources and education.
Nicholls’ National Student Speech Language & Hearing Association selected Ashmun to serve as president this semester, recognizing her passion for the cause. Additionally, Ashmun has served as the vice president and the recruitment director of the Nicholls’ NSSLHA chapter.
However, her service to Nicholls’ campus does not end there. Ashmun showcases her dedication to the campus community through her involvement with Phi Mu as the current membership director, previous social chairwoman and former recruitment data chairwoman.
“Holding these positions has taught me how to be a confident and hardworking leader,” she said.
Ashmun described how every role she has served in helped her learn how to curate an environment that evokes further involvement from chapter members. Such an environment produces a collaborative effort to create an encouraging atmosphere, she explained.
Eventually, she hopes to meet even more classmates on campus through her involvement in on-campus organizations. Nicholls has come to mean a great deal to her. Ashmun describes the campus as her home away from home because of the impactful community of students she is continuously surrounded by.
Ashmun also credits her professors for the ways they have influenced her life. She explained how they continue to push her toward attaining new degrees of excellence in her work, and she expressed gratitude for them assisting her in preparing for life after graduation.
“Throughout my time at Nicholls, I feel that I have flourished as a student and as a person,” she said. “Overall, I believe that Nicholls State University has shaped me to be the best possible version of myself.”