With the start of the Fall 2023 semester comes the activities that students can participate in to get that college experience they’ve all been dreaming about, but organized events don’t just pop out of thin air. That is where the Student Programming Association, better known as SPA, comes in!
The SPA is a student-led organization that plans events throughout the year for students to enjoy campus life to the fullest. Iconic examples include Crawfish Day, Alive @ 5, GLEAUX Colonels and more. However, the beginning of a new school year leads to the arrival of new plans.

Elissa Walker, SPA president, said, “This semester, we are trying to get more people familiar with the union on campus and what it has to offer. Many of our events are in the union, and we want people to come and enjoy what we offer. We also want more attendance in general to our events and meetings because, with the students, our organization exists.”
Planning based on who the target audience is is crucial for hosting successful events. Student feedback and ideas are vital for student-based organizations. With that in mind, one may wonder if students have a say in the decisions SPA makes.
Walker said, “Students have the majority of the decision-making as long as they put in their input; we constantly ask for event ideas and anything the students want to see.”
Creating an inviting and fun atmosphere is no easy feat, so fresh ideas are a good place to start. To join the SPA, visit their Instagram page @nicholls_spa and click the link in their bio.