Changing Majors and Minors

After getting a taste of what is required to earn a major or minor, students might choose to go down a different route.
Changing a major or minor is more simple than one might think. Especially if it is changed during freshman or sophomore year.
“For me, switching my minor was the best choice,” Nicholls student Catherine Clement said.
First, start by looking at Nicholls State University’s degree programs page: Here, students can find every major and minor program Nicholls provides.
While looking through the programs, one should also look at the requirements needed to graduate. Look at how many hours you need for certain classes as well as the required levels of classes needed. Certain programs require students to take 300 or 400 level classes before they can graduate.
After deciding which new major or minor is right, students should email their advisor immediately. This way the student can be put into the correct classes they will need to finish out the program.
“It was so easy for me to change my major,” International student Amelie Sandie said. “I just contacted the international office, as I am an international student, and then my advisor and it was done.”
Be prepared when meeting with an advisor about changing a major or minor. Even if you are still unsure about what program is best, an advisor can help if the student tells them what they’re interested in or what program may have caught their eye.
To learn more about what Nicholls has to offer or to get in touch with an advisor visit:

My name is Sally-Anne Torres. I'm a junior at Nicholls State studying journalism. I have had a love for informing people about what is happening in the...