SGA Meeting Recap: 3/15
Photo by: Avery Landry
The Student Government Association (SGA) held their weekly meeting in the LeBijou Theater on March 14.
This meeting started with Dr. Jay Clune updating the senate on what is happening on Nicholls State University’s campus.
He talked about how the Hurricane Ida recovery process is going slowly. Fences are starting to be repaired around campus, and roofs are being repaired starting in the early summer.
He reminded everyone that the legislature opened on March 14. He stated that the UL system feels strongly that there will be pay raises for classified and unclassified staff and faculty.
Classified staff is considered maintenance, groundskeepers, and custodians, while unclassified staff includes directors, assistant directors, and faculty.
Clune stated that bill 76 by Cleo Fields is going through the senate right now. This bill will do away with graduate student fees.
Clune said there were certain priorities for Capital Outlay. The first one being the coastal center where Nicholls needs around six million dollars to finish, making the coastal center a $21 million project. The coastal center will be located on the corner of Ardoyne and North Acadia.
The second priority is $5 million to the first floor of the library where the archives will be moved off of the first floor to the third floor. With the extra space on the first floor, Nicholls will be building an academic center for student athletes with money from the NCAA.
The third priority is a baseball clubhouse within the next year. So far, $500,000 was donated, and Nicholls is now trying to receive the rest of the funds to build the clubhouse.
The top priority is replacing Geoux Hall which will be around $40 million. Along with a new nursing annex that will cost $20 million.
“We qualify for an additional $3 million,” Dr. Clune stated. “This will help us close the budget deficit we anticipate for next year.”
He also told the senate that the faculty and staff club is open. This will allow the faculty and staff to hold meetings among themselves.
Clune also announced that the Spring 2022 commencement will be held in four ceremonies in Stopher Gym with the hope that Chief Justice John Weimer will be the speaker.
“We are playing catch-up on some paperwork on immunization compliance overall,” Dr. Caruso stated. “Not just for COVID but for all the other vaccines you are required to have when you enter.”
She said that these emails mean that the students may need to receive the immunization they are missing, or they will need to fill out an exemption form.
SGA President Tyler Legnon came forward to remind the senate that elections are next week, and that the referendum will be a part of the election.
Student supreme court report was given by Justice Megan Rousse where she reminded the senate that Tuesday was the Festival of Colors hosted by SPA. This event was moved to this Thursday at 6 p.m. but is still located at the Calecas green space.
Carson Duet started off the election commission report by reinstating that Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls was announced at Colonel Gras.
She mentioned that Spring elections will be sent out via email, voting will be from March 22-24. The winners will be announced on March 24, at 1:15 p.m. in the Student Union. Tyler Legnon and Megan Rousse will be on the ballet for SGA president.
Duet congratulated the 2022-2023 officers who ran unchallenged. These officers are Symphony Brown for SGA Vice President, Trevor Tabor for SPA Vice President, and Jeanna Marie Young for SPA Vice President.
She also said that there will be a candidate forum on March 17 at 12:45p.m. in the Bollinger Student Union to meet the candidates for the 2022-2023 school year.
Chairwoman Octave gave the senate the public relations report where she stated that the Spring break T-shirts were in. April 12 will be the T-shirt giveaway.
The campus and academic affairs report was given by Chairmen Jax Badeaux where he said that Nicholls will be building a Pizza Hut on campus in the food court.
In the unfinished business report Vice President Brown made a motion to resend the library greenspace and put it towards the outdoor classroom. As mentioned in the last meeting, the outdoor classroom will need $30,000 for the next four semesters to be built.
“This bill is to make sure we have adequate funding to go through the next four phases of building the outdoor classroom.” Pres. Legnon said, “This is going to be the 75th anniversary gift from the SGA to the university.”
The motion passed.
Senator Badeaux the bill titled Library Greenspace Walkway was motioned to be resent and the motion was passed.
When new business was called Senator Lance Jones motioned for the bill titled Purchase Calculators for Students. The bill stated that $1,100 go towards purchasing seven graphing calculators and five financial calculators for students to rent from the library. The motion was tabled.
Senator Octave motioned to appoint Ty Henry to the position of veteran senator. The motion was passed and Ty was sworn into office after the meeting ended.
Senator Landry motioned to amend article three of the constitution. This motion was to move an honors senator to the academic division.
“Creating this position will be beneficial to SGA and the Honors Program.” Octave stated, “There should be someone in the senate who represents the honors students.”
The motion was tabled.
Senator Badeaux motioned for the senate to grant $2,600 to buy food for the Colonel Closet. The motion was tabled.
In the announcements Justice Rousse mentioned that this Saturday is Tri Sigma’s Rockin’ For Robbie.
Senator Tobias talked about bringing a Model UN organization to campus. This will give students an opportunity to represent a nation of their choice, and be able to discuss problems that are happening nationally.

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