SGA Meeting Recap: 2/14/22
Photo by: Jessica Mouton
The Student Government Association (SGA) held its weekly meeting in the LeBijou Theater on Feb. 14, at 4 p.m. The meeting opened the floor to guest speakers and students so they could voice their questions or concerns to the SGA.
Dr. Clune started the meeting by discussing the mask mandate on Nicholls campus. He said the University of Louisiana system states that when COVID-19 cases drop below five percent in Lafourche Parish, he has the ability to lift the mask mandate across campus.
“As of last Wednesday we were at 16.65%,” Clune said.
Clune also talked about how the university went through a process to change street names two years ago, but was ultimately denied. However, in the past year, Nicholls again presented two street names to be changed and was approved. The two streets are Acadia Dr. and Madewood Dr., with Acadia Dr. being renamed Colonel Dr., and Madewood Dr. renamed Alumni Dr.
A question was presented to Clune about if students would be able to give their input on future road names. He said that students, faculty, alumni, and others were included in the first proposal that was denied, so for future street names they will still be included.
Dr. Clune also mentioned that signs reading “Keep Nicholls Beautiful” will start appearing around campus.
“A lot of students, particularly around Millet and Zeringue will pull up with their fast food, and they just set it outside their door and walk into the dorm,” Clune said. “We want to encourage people to take their trash with them and throw it away. We don’t want trash left in the parking lot.”
He also pointed out that trash is blown out of the backs of pickup trucks.
Clune then announced that Nicholls is in the final steps of purchasing the downtown Capital One building for a “business incubator with a student component.”
Clune then stated that permission had been given to Danielle Bruex, Office-Assistant Vice President for Facilities, to start working alongside the SGA to pour sidewalks next to the library. He said there will also be a discussion for building an outdoor classroom.
Clune mentioned that sporting facilities have been updated for their upcoming seasons.
“In light of the upcoming baseball season, the netting on the softball and baseball field has been changed, and [we are] repairing the fencing around the baseball field,” Clune said.
A member asked if there is something being done about the cats in front of the student union. There have been complaints of bad smells, bowls left around, and hay and food everywhere. He said that some students don’t like sitting at the picnic tables due to the amount of cats that have now taken residence there.
Dr. Caruso then addressed the Senate about the campus cat issues.
Caruso talked about a meeting that happened between Nicholls and local shelters and nonprofits. Taking the students and cats into concern, the decision was made to raise money through the Colonel Cats organization for shelters to keep food and water bowls in, along with relocating the cats.
“I will say the other day when some people were complaining about the smell out there, there was actually a sewage leak under the student union,” Caruso said. “So the cats got blamed, and it wasn’t their fault.”
It was then asked if there was any unfinished business. Senator Lizeth Tobias moved for six donations for the Colonel Closet. Five bins will be spread out in each resident hall, and one will go into the student union. The movement was passed.
Tobias also moved for the Senate to sponder 10 tickets for the Women’s History Month Luncheon. The luncheon will take place Mar. 25. The ticket price is $25 and will not go over $250. The movement was passed.
In this week’s meeting, Connor Hebert was appointed Greek Life Senator, Niomi Landry appointed to the College of Sciences and Technology Senator, and Brandon Katz appointed to the College of Senator-at-Large.
SGA Director of Public Relations Director Yanez came forward to remind the people of Stuff Stopher which is taking place in Stopher gym. Women can come at 5 p.m. and men can come at 7 p.m. Yanez also mentioned that the Black History Month bus trip taking place this Friday still has three spots left.

My name is Sally-Anne Torres. I'm a junior at Nicholls State studying journalism. I have had a love for informing people about what is happening in the...