Colonel esports creating inclusive space for gamers
Photo by: Avery Landry
Just a few weeks ago, the Colonel Esports League defeated Ball State University’s Esports league in a 3-0 match. Yet, almost no one heard about it.
The Colonel Esports league, founded in 2020, is just one of about 175 esports leagues in the country. With five teams and an administrative department, the Colonel Esports League currently stands at 52 members with over 400 people in the Colonel Esports discord server. This league is already rising to fame, with students transferring from other universities and incoming freshmen choosing Nicholls to participate in the league.
Colonel Esports even has their own space on campus. Currently residing where Wild Blue used to be, the league has been able to create great energy in the space.
From RGB light strips to quality seating, this space is perfect for anyone, even non-gamers, to come relax in between classes.
Jorge Galicia, a senior Computer Information Systems major from Golden Meadow, felt that a gaming league on campus would cater to a large demographic of people that was never catered to before. There were rumors going around for a while about a gaming league, but Galicia was the first to step forward.
“I want to make an impact wherever I go,” Galicia said. “When my daughter comes to Nicholls, I want her to look [at this league] and say, ‘Wow, my dad did that.’”
An important goal of the Colonel Esports League is to maintain a safe space for everyone.
Elizabeth Layton, the faculty advisor for the Colonel Esports League, strives to represent diversity and inclusion for all gamers involved, from competitive gamers to casual gamers.
Layton, a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, knows how difficult it is to find a safe space to fit in. She has been gaming since she was a child, and like Galicia, wanted to create this league for gamers to feel included.
“I want to break the stereotypes of gaming,” Layton said. “I see Colonel Esports as a program that will foster a gaming ecosystem in the south where individuals from all walks of life can participate.”
The Colonel Esports League is striving to be one of the largest esports leagues in the United States. They have been in contact with game developers that want to do lectures in the esports space, including the gaming development company in New Orleans. They also want to get more students involved by having Uno tournaments and other activities.
“The video game ecosystem is coming to Louisiana, it’s just a matter of jumping on the ground and getting involved,” Layton said.

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