Opinion: Preparing for Another Hyflex Semester

Photo by: Maggie Bychurch

As the new semester begins we are tasked with doing things a little differently than previous semesters again. One of the main things that will be different is the approach to student learning through the Hyflex schedule.

In the Hyflex schedule, teachers and students are faced with juggling between Zoom and in-person classes. This allows for social distancing and the learning experience. After the long winter break, I know it may be hard getting back into the groove of things, but I’m here to help.

The beauty of the Hyflex schedule is that you can join class through Zoom while being in the comfort of your home without having to be completely ready for the rest of the day. However, I personally think that you should wake up an hour or thirty minutes before your class so you can have some breakfast and prepare for the class.

If you happen to have an in-person class on campus and don’t have time to race home before your Zoom class starts, there are plenty of places you can Zoom from around campus. Some of these places include: the quad, the union, some rooms are available in Peltier Hall and in Ellender Memorial Library. These places allow you to have a quiet place to join Zoom and attend class without having to worry about making it home on time.

Even though the Hyflex schedule has its perks, it also has some flaws. Some students struggle focusing while attending class on Zoom. One way to stay focused is to take notes and ask questions anytime you feel the need to. As a student, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions because that’s the only way you are going to have a better understanding of what’s going on in class.

Something that also helps me stay focused is having a cup of coffee before or during class. Coffee helps me stay alert and focus on paying attention. Zooming into class from your bed might not be such a good idea. Being in your bed will make you want to go back to sleep, so I would recommend finding a new place around your house that will keep you awake.

Hyflex may not be everyone’s favorite way of learning, but it is helping ensure the students’ and teachers’ safety and to prevent the COVID-19 virus from further spreading. If you happen to have issues with the Hyflex schedule learning make sure to speak with your professor because they can help you in any way you need.