Procrastination at its finest when it comes to midterms

Graphic by Jessica Mouton
If you’re reading this right now, it’s probably because you’re procrastinating and not studying. I can’t say anything; I do that all the time. But, if you’re pushing off midterms, then go do that.
Sometimes, I think they put the midterm season in the middle of fall so we’ll be so focused on the cool weather that we won’t notice the professor giving us an assignment that’s worth 20 percent of our grade. This isn’t an unpopular opinion, but I hate midterms.
They stress me out more than anything else in this world. All of my problems seem to pale in comparison to a piece of paper that a professor gives me that determines if I pass the class. I start to become a recluse when I get anxious, even more during midterms. I stay in my house, only leaving for work. When I’m doing anything else but my midterms, I feel guilty and then more stressed. Usually, I get so stressed that I can’t study. I make it such a big deal that I start to procrastinate, which becomes a separate problem.
Procrastination usually goes like this: I manage to convince myself to get on my computer. Once there, I click on the first thing I see that isn’t related to studying. If I had a list of all the things I did while I was procrastinating, it’d be simultaneously the most impressive and disappointing list of all time.
I’m just here to say that I think everyone starts to feel their own way about midterms and everyone needs to know that they can get through it.
Firstly, if you are experiencing extreme bouts of stress or anxiety about midterms, Nicholls offers free counseling. One can call (985) 448-4080 or visit 224 Elkins Hall Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. They’re there to help and anyone could benefit from it.
For studying tips, firstly, try to wake up early. I try and do before my Tuesday and Thursday classes because I only have class at noon. Waking up at 10 a.m. lets me get a lot of stuff done and helps me relax when I get home. Two hours is a lot, but even doing 20 minutes lets you go through a study guide once.
If a professor seems eager to help, sit with them after class or schedule an appointment in their office. You rarely need to be there long, and showing you’re trying to put in more effort can sometimes get you far.
Check Quizlet or just Google search any exam you’re about to take. A lot of classes already have a massive collection of tools to study with that were created by other students. All you have to do is try and find them.
If you don’t use any of this advice, at least remember this: Everyone takes midterms and everyone has survived them. You’re not the only person taking them, and you’re going to get through it.