Nicholls student Hilton Johns make fourth mission trip to Kenya
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Hilton Johns speaks to villagers in Kenya during his mission trip from Sept. 13-16.
Hilton Johns, a general studies junior from Chackbay, Louisiana, served on a mission trip to Kenya, Africa from Sept. 13-16, and wants to empower students who also feel the desire to serve.
This was Johns’ fourth mission trip to Kenya, which lasted a total of two weeks. He traveled with a group of eight people and went to the bush country, which is a term used for rural and underdeveloped land. Their ultimate goal was to go as far as they could to reach certain villages that had not heard about Jesus.
“On these mission trips, you see how God manifests himself with power, and I get to see the bible become more real,” said Johns.
Johns said for this trip to Kenya, they had a total of 1,500 salvations. He explained that when professing Christ to different villages, they see him as being good and truly want him, which is something hard to see in the United States. According to Johns, this is because some people in the United States are filled with pride, selfishness and greed, but in Africa, there are people less fortunate. When given the chance to learn about Christ, they are able to see the true power of him.
The missionaries teamed with local pastors of Kenya in order to have their preaching interpreted. Their teachings first started with the Garden of Eden, bringing in the Gospel with the message of Christ as the Savior. They also prayed for healing over the people.
One of the mission group’s main goals is for the villages to keep worshipping and learning about Christ. In order for them to do this, they leave the pastors with whatever resources they may need and build churches for them as well. Johns said since the churches have no power or installation and are only for learning and worship, it only takes $1,500 to build.
“Wherever we go, we want to empower them to continue moving with a relationship with Christ,” said Johns.
Not only has Johns felt called to spread Christ to Africa, but he has also done missions in China, Austria and Honduras. He is very grateful to fulfill these missions by his fundraisers and donations. Some of the work he has done in these other countries are building churches and helping the communities there.
Johns said he has gotten asked why the group spends so much money going rather than sending the money over to different countries. He said by sending money, you could get a lot done but when actually taking time to go, the people of that country feel you are actually there for them.
Johns, who served in the military as a Marine and worked in the oil field, left both to be a pastor of Victory Assembly of God in Vacherie, Louisiana. He said that what he serves now is far greater than anything else he could do in his life.
Johns said he wants students to feel they can do anything they want to, because it is easy to hear of good deeds and have the desire to fulfill them but not go through with them.
He said, “If you believe God is calling you to do something, then go!”