Mike Smith, otherwise known as the First Down Man, is part owner of Bubba’s II’s Restaurant and Sports Lounge in Thibodaux and has various businesses throughout the Southeast. Smith is a native of Thibodaux, attended Stetson University in Delan, Fla. and is known as the First Down Man in ode to his favorite NFL referee.
Q. How did you start working with Nicholls athletics?
A. “About 16 years ago, Norm Swanner, the co-owner of Bubba’s, and I contacted Nicholls State athletics. Norm started cooking for the press box which led to cooking for the Century Club and then tailgating.”
Q. How did the idea of the First Down Man character come about?
A. “In 1997 Mike Davis and I wanted to pay tribute to our favorite NFL referee Red Cashion who was retiring. So Mike said he would yell ‘First Dowwwnnn’ like Cashion did on the PA system, and I would go down the field with a makeshift sign saying the same thing. After that game people kept asking for the First Down Man.”
Q. Did you ever think you would become so involved with Nicholls athletics?
A. “Although I was from here, I never really thought about getting involved with Nicholls State’s sports until Norm did. I’ve loved every minute of every year we’ve been involved.
Q. What is it about Nicholls that keeps you coming back year after year?
A. “Meeting and getting to know some of the best people I’ve ever met in my entire life. To this day there has never been one person I can say a bad thing about.”
Q. Has tailgating always been the way it is now?
A. “I remember back when we started in the early 90s, when it was only me and a few other people. Luckily, thanks to a few years of success, the turnout since then has grown tremendously.”
Q. What has been your favorite game to witness as the First Down Man?
A. “The best game was the overtime game against Texas State in 2005. I usually stand behind the goal post for field goals, and when Alex Romero kicked the game winner, I put my hands up before the refs saying it was good, and everybody ran on the field.”
Q. What was your favorite team?
A. “The Boston Celtics were definitely my favorite team as a child. This was at the time when they won nine championships in 10 years with Bob Cousey, Bill Russell and Red Auerbach.”
Q. If the First Down Man tradition is passed on, what attributes must the person have?
A. “Whenever I do pass the tradition on, hopefully it will be somebody that loves Nicholls and will be able to keep the fans morale up during games and continue to be entertaining. And being able to yell during football games couldn’t hurt either.”
Q. What is one of your fondest memories?
A. “We were back at our tailgating area by the baseball field, and there was this mom and young girl who was about five years old. Her mother brought her over, and the little girl asked me, ‘Mr. First Down Man, will you sign my program?’ That’s the reason why being the First Down Man has been one of the best experiences of my life.