Starting with the summer semester, class times will be increased by five minutes. This change will help to allow for more off-time for students and faculty, Dr. Alice Pecoraro, Vice President of Academic Affairs, said. Many faculty members and students had voiced their opinion about not having a fall break, she said.
Because of the Saints’ training camp, which was held on campus last summer, classes started at a later date and the fall break was eliminated, Pecoraro said.
Although the Saints’ stay this summer does contribute to the changing of class times, it is not the only reason.
“A year and a half ago it was suggested that class times be lengthened,” Pecoraro said.
“Dr. Ayo recently brought up the idea again, and the change has been approved.”
This change will help Nicholls to be a more competitive institution, Pecoraro said.
“We will be starting classes about the same time as other schools,” she said.
It only took about a month for the schedule to be accepted and certified, Pecoraro said.
“The Calendar Committee recommended to the President to accept the calendar with the change in class time,” she said.
Details, such as laboratory times, had to be considered in making the new schedule and taken into account before any final decisions could be made, Pecoraro said.
The Calendar Committee had to make up and approve a calendar, this calendar was then given to The University Council, headed by Dr. Ayo, for them to then approve the final decisions, Pecoraro said.
Although the new class times may seem awkward, students will just have to take time to adjust during the first few weeks of school, she said.
“We will inform teachers to be a little lenient the first couple of weeks when students are tardy,” Pecoraro said.
“This will help new students, and students who have not heard about the changes, a chance to get used to them. We are starting classes later, so there should be no tardies.”
This small five-minute change will help out greatly, she said.
“Students will be able to have a fall break and also an entire week off for Thanksgiving,” Pecoraro said.
“Hopefully, the Saints will come back, and this change in time will help us to be able to accommodate them as well.”