Nicholls State University has kicked off “Operation White Socks,” which is a campus-wide drive that accepts socks, paperback books and DVDs to be sent to active members of the military.
Tracy Purvis, Program Coordinator of the Louisiana Center for Dyslexia & Related Learning Disorders, established this campaign four years ago. She recalls that her first husband, who was a Marine that served during Desert Storm, was always asking for socks. She shares that the need for clean healthy feet was stressed during his military training and service. This motivated her to launch “Operation White Socks” on Nicholls’ campus.
Purvis was thrilled with the response the drive received during the first year, amassing about 2,000 donations. In Purvis’ opinion, however, the second year’s response was lackluster.
“The response wasn’t as good as it had been the year before,” Purvis said. “It was around that time that we started having a lot of layoffs on campus and morale was down. People just didn’t get involved.”
Last year, personal care items were also accepted for the drive. According to Purvis, there was more involvement last year than the previous year.
“It was a really good turn out last year as well,” Purvis said.
Community groups, local churches, and student organizations have shown interest in the drive by making donations.
The regional Wildlife and Fisheries Office, which serves the Houma, Thibodaux and Morgan City area, donated money to buy socks and cover the shipping costs to send the socks to their final destinations.
Handwritten thank-you notes are also being accepted in the drive. Purvis reached out to the Maxine Giardina Charter School for Children with Dyslexia Charter School and got student students involved in the thank-you note writing campaign.
“Everybody struggles, everybody has something going on with their life,” Purvis said. “If you can get out of your comfort zone for just a little while and think about somebody else, especially active duty service members who are away from their families living in horrible conditions, if you can give them a new pair of socks to show your appreciation, then why not do that?”
Purvis would especially like for students with dyslexia to get involved.
“For students that have learning differences, who are faced with that hardship every day, it is better if they can help others because if they can focus on someone else for just a few minutes,” Purvis said. “It helps them see that there are other people in the world suffering.”
She acknowledges that both students with dyslexia and soldiers face hardships every day.
“They [students] struggle with having to study every day, and they work so hard.”
On Oct.10, 2013 President Elect Bruce Murphy and his wife, Jeanne, visited the Dyslexia Center and were informed about the drive. Since Murphy and his wife have a military background, Purvis was excited to tell them about the operation.
“The experience was really exciting because I never expected them to pick that up and run with it,” Purvis said. “Dr. Murphy and his wife are just so approachable. They really seem to be excited about the prospects of being here on campus and being involved with all of our students.”
Purvis expressed her gratitude for those who have become involved with “Operation White Socks.” “I appreciate the involvement from Dr. Murphy and Ms. Jeanne, and the groups that are involved. To me it’s about what we are trying to do and the more people that can provide some socks to help out those guys and gals who are so far from home. I just appreciate it.”
The donation box is located near the entrance of the Dyslexia Center in Room 166 located in Peltier Hall until Nov. 1. For questions about involvement or donations, Purvis can be reached at 985-449-7188.
Operation White Socks
Students collect socks, books and DVDs for the military
Sheyla Sicily
October 29, 2013
Nicholls State University President-Select Dr. Bruce Murphy and wife Jeanne visited with students spearheading the Louisiana Center for Dyslexia and Related Learning Disorders’ “Operation White Socks” Thursday, Oct. 10. The program, in its fourth year, aims to donate new pairs of socks, paperback books and DVDs to serving members of the military.
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