Calling all Greeks! Greek Week festivities will begin on campus Sunday. Greek Week involves several different activities for all Greeks and the student body.
Sunday, the Greek community walk and block party will be held.
It begins at 4 p.m. at City Hall and will finish in front of the Student Union, where the block party will be held.
At the block party, the Greek court will be announced. Five women and men will be selected by vote from the nominees, which are made by each fraternity and sorority.
Songfest will be Monday at 7 p.m. in Peltier Auditorium.
“This is the event that students enjoy the most,” Latoya Bailey, Greek adviser, said.
Admission for the event is $2 or two canned goods or toiletries, which will be donated to charities in the Thibodaux area.
Track and field games will be held at E.D. White’s track on Tuesday.
Wednesday, Goofy Games will be held at 3 p.m. at the field by the St. Thomas Aquinas Center.
“This is when all of the crazy games, like tug-of-war and chariot races are held,” Bailey said.
An Easter egg hunt with Headstart will be held at 1 p.m. at the field by the St. Thomas Aquinas Center Thursday.
“We are truly looking forward to all of the events. I think they will all be lots of fun,” Bailey said.
At the end of the events, a banquet will be held to honor outstanding Greeks.
“Several awards are given, including Greek God and Goddess,” she said.