Nicholls has numerous religious organizations on campus including the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, and St. Thomas Aquinas Campus Ministry.The Baptist Collegiate Ministry has been on campus since the 1960s, and its current building was built in 1972. The BCM offers many opportunities for students to get involved in throughout the week. The main event is Undivided, a worship service that takes place every Tuesday night at 7:30 P.M. Another weekly event is Lunch Encounter, which takes place every Thursday from 11:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. At Lunch Encounter, students can eat a free home cooked meal while hanging out with friends or listening to a bible study. This is the BCM’s most popular ministry on campus as it attracts 150 to 200 people on average every Thursday. Campus Pastor Tim LaFleur said that the goal of the BCM is “so students can find their purpose in life through a relationship with Christ.”
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is lead by Campus Pastor Chris Buckel. This campus ministry gets its name from the Greek letters Chi and Alpha, which are the initials of a Latin phrase meaning “Christ’s ambassadors.” Chi Alpha hosts many events weekly on campus including prayers meetings, an athletic bible study, International Student Fellowship, and Thursday Night Live, the most popular event. Thursday Night Live is a college style worship service held at 7:00 P.M. in the LeBijou Theater located in the Student Union. Chi Alpha has been on campus since 1982, and it offers small group bible studies on various topics held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. According to Campus Pastor Chris Buckel, the purpose of Chi Alpha is to “reconcile the campus of Nicholls to Christ.” Buckel also said that students of any denomination or background are welcome.
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Campus Ministry is the oldest of all the ministries on campus and has been around since the fall of 1949. Monique Legendre, the Campus Minister at St.Thomas, said that St. Thomas is a place where students can feel relaxed, loved, accepted. Legendre said, “We will love you and accept you for who you are and where you are in your life. No stress. No Pressure.” St. Thomas offers a mass every day of the week expect on Friday. On Tuesday, September 28th, St. Thomas will host Not on Bread Alone, a popular event that offers free meals and live music. This event takes place in the St. Thomas Café once a month from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. There is also a monthly movie night in the café, with the next one scheduled for September 30th at 7:00 P.M.