When a student has a question about a Colonel Card, parking pass or just a general question about campus, the Information Desk in the Donald G. Bollinger Memorial Student Union is the place to get the answers.Student workers at the Information Desk work an average of 20 hours a week.
The desk is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. It has the same hours as the Union.
The student workers behind the desk are often asked questions about Colonel Cards and parking decals.
James Burrell, freshman from Franklin, said he was once asked where the bathrooms were located. The bathrooms in the union are located directly across from the Information Desk.
Burrell said that a normal day at the desk is very calm and slow. About an average of five people approach the desk with a question per shift.
“It got really busy during the first week of school,” Burrell said.
The desk returned to that busy status when classes resumed after Hurricane Katrina, and displaced students from New Orleans universities needed answers to their questions.
When the workers behind the desk is asked a question that they do not know, they go to their supervisor Greg Evans, student union director, in the Lafitte Room of the union.
In order to work behind the Information Desk, the person must be a full-time student and maintain a 2.0 grade point average.
In order to be able to answer any questions students may have, workers go through training to learn about the Student Union.
Student workers are also trained on general knowledge of the campus to aid evacuees and displaced students brought to Nicholls by the recent hurricanes.