Gamma Pi, Nicholls’ Tri-Sigma chapter, won Chapter of the Year out of 112 chapters nationwide on Founders’ Day.
“The 110-member sorority has accumulated honorable accreditation with the highest grades, community service, [and] given the most amount to their national philanthropy of all sororities on campus,” Becky Durocher, advisor of Tri-Sigma, said.
There are basic national accreditations that every Tri-Sigma sorority has to meet and there is a benchmark that is set by the national organization that a Tri-Sigma chapter has to meet.
“They met the accreditation with honors in every single category: high grades, values, principles, community service, women who follow basic tenants of Tri-Sigma and are also good students. They happen to have the whole ball game,” Ann Williams, Tri-Sigma’s national president, said. “These are Tri-Sigma’s standards and this is how they exceeded them.”
This past year, Tri-Sigma has raised over $4,500 for their Tri-Sigma foundation and $5,000 for their Running for Robbie foundation.
This past summer, Tri-Sigma went to national convention in Disney World, which is held every three years. At the convention, Gamma Pi was awarded Chapter of the Triennium Honorable Mention out of all the national chapters for going beyond protocol for the past three years.
Gamma Pi has been placed in the top ten chapters for the past ten years, which shows that they are maintaining the true values that Tri-Sigma has to offer.
“I am never surprised by the amazing things that they do. I guess I am only surprised when they get acknowledged for it,” Durocher said. “They make good decisions and they look out for each other and they do things that are right when nobody is looking and so we do these awards applications. And there are many Tri-Sigma’s around the United States and for them to get nationally recognized as number one chapter is huge.”
Tri-Sigma also won this year’s Songfest in March, an event where all the fraternities and sororities at Nicholls competed against each other in various song skits.
Tri-Sigma came to Nicholls in 1967 and ever since then, every girl has built from what their fellow sisters have started, making several people responsible for this award, Durocher said.
Durocher compared Tri-Sigma girls to kindergarten children by saying that in kindergarten, there are always children who cry when their crayon breaks. Sigma women are the children who would give their crayon to the child crying while saying, “do not cry.”
Nicholls’ Tri-Sigma President Anna Lee, marketing major from Baton Rouge, has enjoyed her experience with the sorority. “Sigma is everything to me, its like my family, my home away from home, I cannot imagine my life without it. It’s what I do. It’s changed my life so much and I can’t imagine what I would be without it. It’s made me a better person.”
Lee is hoping that whoever takes over after her two-year presidency will continue to lead the chapter forward, remain positive and continue striving for the best.
This year Shiena Marie Normand, government senior from Nice Ville, Fla., was named the Outstanding Member of the region for Tri-Sigma.
“I had so many emotions. (It) means a lot to me to be the outstanding member of the region. I’m not only supported with Tri-Sigma but I am also supported by Nicholls,” Normand said.
Nicholls sorority earns national chapter of the year title
Javier Davison
April 16, 2014
The Gamma Pi chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma pose with their 2013 Chapter of the Year trophy at their Founder’s Day Luncheon Sunday April 6th.
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