Nicholls announces new magnet program starting fall 2019

March 19, 2019

Graphic by Jessica Mouton

Starting in the fall of 2019, Nicholls State University will host a magnet program with the Lafourche Parish School District.

The program will accept students entering fourth and fifth grades from Thibodaux.

The students will be placed in Polk Hall, and a total of 40 students will be accepted.

Each class size will consist of 20 students and will utilize a total of two classrooms. Teachers will have the option to open the classrooms and teach one large class.

Lafourche Parish Schools are holding meetings to share more information. The first meeting was held on March 12 at South Thibodaux Elementary School and the second meeting will be on March 19 at W.S Lafargue Elementary School.

Students interested in applying to the program must have a 3.0 grade point average or higher on their final report card.

The team for admissions will look at standardized test scores and disciplinary records. The students will also need a principal’s recommendation.

According to Steven Welsh, the dean of the College of Education, having the students on campus will create opportunities for education majors.

Some of the Nicholls faculty will have the opportunity to model lessons and teaching for the education majors.

Welsh said that with the magnet program, some education students will be able to gain critical experience on campus.

Welsh also said the program creates opportunities for the grade school students.

“A lot of those kids that come here may be coming from families who may not have college backgrounds, and so immersing them in this environment and giving them that experience, we think is going to be very enriching for them,” Welsh said.  

The staff has made plans for how they would manage a population of young school children on a college campus. They will also practice before school starts to ensure it is safe.

Welsh said that the education department and himself are excited about the arrival of the students.

“It is an extraordinarily wonderful opportunity for us,” Welsh said.


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