A letter to southern Louisiana’s weather: Why so unpredictable?
February 19, 2019

Graphic by Jessica Mouton
Dear Louisiana,
This has got to stop. The back and forth and the to and fro… it was all cute for a while. Trying to guess what the day would bring might have been fun, but we have had enough. Speaking as someone who relentlessly leaves no time to properly think about wardrobe before leaving the house, I am no longer amused by your inconsistency.
For example, shorts and a T-shirt were all that was needed this past Sunday to enjoy a sunny, 80-degree day outside. Monday, however, laughed at shorts and sunshine, hitting around 50 degrees, plus rain. So, take that into consideration. My answer is, “huh?” The unpredictability is baffling. I get that rain happens, the water cycle makes sense, the differing degrees from day to day make sense, but why must this change be so drastic?
Yes, I know, we have technology. I can simply pick up my phone to check whether it is raining or if I need a jacket, but this is false. Louisiana’s bipolar illness is far behind things like advanced systems of weather reporting. I no longer trust the prediction of a 10 percent chance of rain because this means just when you forget that rain jacket or wear brand new shoes, it starts raining mid-walk to class.
Is this rant a little childish? Maybe. Is there no real solution to the problem I face? Unfortunately, no. However, I watch as students run to class either soaking wet from rain or sweat as they were respectively under or over prepared, and I am in the same boat. Eventually, we will get to the hotter months Louisiana has to offer, where we will wonder why we complained of the rain or cold, but that is not today.
Louisiana, I love you. I do. I love your culture, food and much more, but this weather? Yeah, you have got to do better to help your girl out.
A cold, wet student