Adulting 101 series continued with a networking seminar
October 5, 2018

Graphic by Kaitlyn Biri
The Harold J. Callais Memorial recreation Center and Student Educators and Leaders partnered to hosted another seminar for the Adulting 101 series in the Donald G. Bollinger Memorial Student Union Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 5 p.m.
This meeting concentrated on making friends in college and was sponsored by SEALS, the Student Educators And LeaderS organization on campus.
The transition from high school to college can be tough, and many students lose friends during that time. Transfer students from other universities and other states may also feel alone and disheartened. Seeing a friendly, familiar face around campus could help anyone feel at home.
“Events like this are important for people to have connections, to feel like they have people somewhere and to be involved,” said Ashley King, president of SEALS, when asked about why events like this are important.
The afternoon began with a handful of students and a icebreaker game. Each student was given a small bag of M&M’s and asked to pick three different colors. Each color stood for a different question. Going around the room, students introduced themselves and then answered the three questions. Some of the questions were things on favorite food, favorite childhood memory and favorite TV show or movie.
The next activity was similar to the first. It allowed students to open up a little more with facts about themselves. A roll of toilet paper was passed around, and students were asked to take as many squares as they wanted. Each square would represent one fact that they wanted to share. Majority of the students shared general facts not mentioned in the M&M activity.
To get to know each other better, students participated in speed friending. Much like speed dating, students had three minutes to ask each other a series of questions. Questions about their bucket lists, proudest moments and favorite superhero powers were asked, among other topics.
These questions allowed students to get more comfortable with each other. Students joked around with the questions. Some even went off track and talked about other things they had in common. It also allowed students to learn face-to-face conversation and how to communicate with others.
“I’m excited about this event because I think it’s important to make friends, connections and network,” said Kelsey Gros, secretary of the SEALS program.
The next session for the Adulting 101 series will focus meal preparations for college students. College students are known for their attempts on being budget friendly, however, with fast food at hand, students often fall into the trap of eating out constantly.
According to the organization’s page on the Nicholls website, SEALS is an international, student-based group that looks out for the well-being of the community. They promote the all-around health of students, which includes mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
SEALS strives to provide a safe, comfortable environment while educating students on issues that most concern them, such as substance abuse or healthy and unhealthy relationships. Any student interested in joining SEALS can stop by Brittany Brandt’s office in the Recreation Center or email SEALS at [email protected].