3 tips for a successful fall break
September 20, 2018

Graphic by Kaitlyn Biri
After getting through the first month of the semester, students have only one thing on their minds: fall break. Although this break only grants a free Monday and Tuesday, a four-day weekend is nothing to overlook. Fall break may not be the longest break of school, but it is the first significant break of the year, as it makes for the perfect opportunity to rest, party, catch up on schoolwork or do whatever it is that makes you happy. Part one of fall break should be a pleasant time, so here are some tips to help guide you through your first taste of a break from school.
1) Rest and reset
If this semester hasn’t been going quite how you would’ve liked it to, take some time for a mental reset. Most classes have had at least one major assignment by now, so you have an opportunity to gauge your academic success. As we all know, school isn’t always easy, and it’s very important to recognize what classes require extra attention. Use your break to take a step back and rest if you need.
2) Party and have fun
What’s better to celebrate than a month of school down and the season of autumn’s arrival? Okay, there surely are some better things, but it still sounds like a good reason to wild out, if you ask me. Partying over breaks is always a move because you have extra time to recover before schoolwork goes back to that unavoidable, hair-pulling problem. Don’t be afraid to use that hard-earned, free time to have some fun over the break; just always remember to be safe.
3) Capitalize on this opportunity
Most importantly, be sure to make the most of your time off. Even though the second fall break is just around the corner, be sure to take advantage of this time away from the stress of school. If you feel the need to do absolutely nothing, then go for it. Your responsibilities are on hold for the most part, so feel free to shrug them off if needed. On the other hand, if you feel unsatisfied with your work-input as of late, take some time to catch up on your responsibilities.
Fall break, despite its lack of length, gives students a chance to breathe and have some time to themselves. How you spend your well-deserved time off is completely up to you; you earned it. All we ask is that you make this fall break a safe and memorable one; you only have so many of these, so make them count. Although it’s practically impossible after reading these tips, if by some chance your fall break doesn’t turn out how you’d want it to, there’s another one waiting less than a month away.